Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just A Simple Thought about Anwar

Anwar should ask himself what his record was like when he was in power.

Did he ever support the people's efforts to abolish the ISA?

Has he ever supported students' requests for the University and University Colleges Act to be abolished?

Did he ever proposed a election reform when he was Deputy Prime Minister?

Has he ever initiated a talk with PAS on the issue of the Islamic state?

Most importantly, has he ever done anything to bring corrupt politicians to justice?

If he think that BN's record was not so rosy, did he do anything about it when he was in power?

The answer to all these questions is ‘No’.


Anonymous said...

kau ni bodoh ke?lembu!1

sheikh teluk intan said...

salam anonymous,
Saya baru jumpa blog ini. Pada saya penulis bebas menulis apa sahaja. Jangan dikatakan dia bodoh atau lembu. Setiap orang melainkan para nabi dan radul, ada sifat bodoh.Mungkin terdapat beberapa 'point'yang benar. Kalau tak bersetuju berhujah dengan sewajarnya atau kalau tak mampu elok diam.
Saya ahli Pas, tetapi saya juga suka membaca dan mendengar pendapat yang berbeza.
Biarkan penulis ini, menulis apa yang dia hendak tulis.Kebebasan menyuarakan pendapat adalah hak individu.
Kepada tuan punya blog teruskan menulis atau mengkritik anwar atau siapa sahaja.Asalkan niat betul iaitu demi kebenaran. Kebenaran itu memang pahit.